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Domestic Violence

April 5, 2013

It is known that many women are in verbal and physical abusive relationships. These women are innocent and although that may be, their abusers are not because they are the ones who is doing all the yelling and beating. In order for the abuse to end, a decision has to be made. It’s either a constructive decision that will lead to complete freedom from the abuser or a destructive one that will lead to either the victim being seriously hurt or even death. These women who are abused can be women who we see on our job, school, and even our church. It’s not always an easy thing all the time for someone to escape an abusive relationship. The reason that is because the victim is afraid that if she goes to the cops that their abuser will get cleared at some point and that things will continue to get worse. They are afraid that the abuser will get more aggressive. These things always happen. You cannot reason with an abuser by simply calling the cops. In my opinion, you have to ask for protection. There are hotlines that provide shelters for battered women and they also provide services. Sometimes their abusers can track them down by calling the hotline and asking for their victim but they will still be protected. If you are in this situation or if you know someone who is, then its time to make a decision, no more waiting, it’s time to speak up. It’s you do something about it or you don’t but if you want the abuse to end then the best thing is calling a your local hotline for domestic violence. Make a Constructive decision not a destructive one. constructive is speaking up, destructive is staying quiet about the abuse until things get too far.

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